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CBSE Curriculum which emphasizes on world-class academics, co-curricular enrichment and community service. Our teaching and learning go beyond the traditional approaches. The application of multiple intelligences theory as a basis for curriculum enhances the strength of our academic program. We rely more than just textbooks to convey information. By teaching through experiences, we ensure that our students don't just memorize facts, but develop a genuine understanding of the curriculum.It allows children to develop in different ways; use their strengths, talents for learning and growing.



Curriculum, The academic program at the SR Vidyanikethan School is designed to meet the needs of young children. Young children need a sound base of experiences that are essential for later learning, a strong sense of self-esteem and excitement & curiosity for learning. It is during this time that children develop higher order thinking skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, creative thinking, societal thinking, reflecting thinking etc. Our Curriculum is planned and developed to create such experiences.




Inquiry is the leading pedagogical approach that is distinctive of the SRV School think room. The inquiry-based approach encourages students to take responsibility and ownership of their learning. Inquiry facilitates conceptual exploration that is customized to the needs of each student as opposed to a traditional instructional model that only delivers information. Our learning community as SRV does not view knowledge as static but rather as a constantly evolving, collaborative process that necessitates original thinking and research.

While always accepting the value of student-centered learning, the school also embraces a variety of approaches to teaching and content, from a traditional lecture and discussion format to a range of more experiential approaches and teaching strategies like Reciprocal teaching, JIGSAW, Think Pair & Share, Four Corners,"QAXP" -- Problem-solving groups for four participants, RAFTS (Role, Audience, Format, Topic, Strong verb) is a writing strategy etc